Embeddable, Live Code Exercises

ckcode allows instructors to enable their students to run code on a Jupyter server directly from their webpages and course content. You can enhance the learning experience for your users and facilitate interactive programming.

With a little extra effort you can also incorporate correctness tests into your code modules, allowing your students to check their work as they go. This can be a powerful tool for learning, as it allows students to receive immediate feedback on their work, and to learn from their mistakes as they go.

This app was designed specifically for CourseKata Statistics and Data Science, an interactive online textbook tailored to teach introductory statistics and data science. As part of CourseKata's Better Book Project, it is driven by cutting-edge research and student data to continuously improve online learning resources.

If you're interested in exploring how ckcode functions in practice, we invite you to explore our user-guide and experience its benefits firsthand. Additionally, our team is actively working on providing a server setup project, easing the process of implementation for instructors. Embrace the power of ckcode to revolutionize coding experiences within your educational setting.

%%% prompt
# Try me! I'm set up to run R code